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Behind the Track at the 1983 Loudon Classic

Where men were men and sane women were nowhere to be found!

Flying High
Not a very good shot of me, but reasonable
guage of how high I was getting. People who
are drunk don't shoot very good pictures!
More Air
A little better, but still blurred.
The Three Amigos
Kevin Dooley, Jay Lyons and I in front of Dooley's 1953 Chevy schoolbus camper. The bus had air conditioning and running beer, and Dooley brought some employees along to cook our meals and mix our drinks!
Smells Like Victory!
Take a sheet of plywood, add barbecue sauce for aroma, and you have a fog bank good enough to shut down 250 GP practice!
Who's Got Marshmallows?!
Many cars came, not all made it home!
Gary Stas
Would you buy a used bike from this man?
The Road Warrior