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The Cutest Girl On Main Street!



  Come On Down To Main Street!

Whatever their reason for coming down in March, anybody who goes to Daytona beach for Bike Week surely has to make at least one visit to Main St.. The place is People Watch Central, and you'll see everything from the meanest looking biker (I've yet to meet one who is actually mean, though.) to the Born Again trying to save them all. As far as the women, you see the whole range there, too. From drop-dead gorgeous babes to hideous whales.

One constant is the Cooler Girl. You'll find them at the outdoor venues where there are no fixed bars. They are in charge of giant tubs filled with ice and large quantities of canned beer. They fish out an ice-cold beer on request, and you will hopefully tip them for their friendly service. These girls have taken to wearing a wide variety of costumes to attract attention to their tubs, the common characteristic being that they are rather scanty. They've manged to get tips without selling a beer, just by posing for pictures.

My favorite is Tiesa (Ty-EE-sa). She's the only one I recognise year after year. My trip to Main St. every six months (Biketoberfest, too) requires me to find her, so that I can get a shot of her lastest costume.

I gave her my card the last two times I saw her. I had promised her that I would put aside a page for her over at Wally's website, but I wanted to post these on the mainstream site, too.

I hope this didn't sound too much like the prologue to a Russ Meyer flick. It's just that the template for this page requires that I put a lot of text here to make the whole layout look balanced.

Tiesa, see you in October!

