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United States Classic Racing Association

Vintage racing is therapy for those of us who work the modern meets. Things are more laid back, competitors
don't take themselves so seriously, and rules of procedure are but loose guidelines.

Heather and Brian Carroll

R.W. Stegmaier, photographer

© 2006, All Rights Reserved

In Training
This little girl has her own rig!
Closing In
Jerry Wood is about to pass for the lead
George DeCamp On His 50 CC "Screamer".
George and his son, Team Hooters owner Steve DeCamp, run the USCRA riders school.

Karl "TT" Smolenski
Up close and personal
Formula RD
R.C. Cola rider Barry Sanel just nips the field for the win.
Triumph Rider Rick Patrolia
The Lion Bike
At a benefit auction for father Todd, Anna Henning models on this one-of-a-kind machine.

Welcome Back!
Oona Aldrich, on the mend from a serious
street luge accident, is greeted by
Dave Roper. She looks forward to
racing in sidecars again in the near

Greg Nichols Hones His Reflexes
A top USCRA rider, Greg says that bike stunts help him anticipate what his race bike will do on the track.